It's all about healthy habits

Moving to a new country is usually a chance for a fresh start. Unfortunately for Julian Floyd, a 42 year old executive, relocating to Dubai meant his healthy habits died hard. Entertaining clients, after-work drinks and fast food became his way of life.
“I’ve been into sport for as long as I can remember and kept fit naturally,” he says. “I’d try to go for a run three times a week and knock out a few sit ups and press ups each morning before work.
“I ate reasonably well and stayed clear of white carbs. A typical day would be poached eggs and avocado for breakfast, a wrap or sushi for lunch, and chicken and vegetables.
A few months after the move, Floyd found the scales tipping at 12 and a half stone. He decided enough was enough. “I could feel and see my weight gradually increasing,” he said. “My belly was growing and my clothes were getting a bit too snug. It can be a slippery slope.”
Hungry for results but short on time, he approached Ultimate Performance in Dubai for a tailored eight-week personal training programme, and began strength training for one hour between three and four times each week, with a 20 minute jog every evening.
Floyd chose a food company to supply healthy, portion-controlled, nutritious meals, and put the breaks on boozy weeknights out. When dining with clients, he choose grilled meat and fish dishes.
By the end of the challenge, he’d lost around 6kg and cut his body fat down to a slender 11.5%. Better yet, his healthy habits were reinstated.
“I’m stronger, lighter, less tired and enjoy eating healthily,” he says. “I’m definitely more mentally alive, which is an added bonus.”

(Source :: Men'sHealth ;

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